LUMinsieme is a dedicated office responsible for managing students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD). The office’s objectives are aimed at all students who require specific actions (psychological support, guidance, tutoring, and inclusion, also referring to students with disabilities and SLD), which may result in disparities in access to higher education, timely degree completion, and subsequent job opportunities.
The goal is to eliminate inequalities through specialized tutoring actions for students with vulnerabilities, as well as through raising awareness among tutors, teachers, and technical staff so that they gain greater understanding of the needs of students with disabilities and SLD.
Entry Orientation | Ongoing Orientation | Support for Study and Exam Performance |
Assessment of strengths and weaknesses | Monitoring and verification of learning | Technological support such as iPads and PCs |
Development of a PSP: personalized study plan | Organization of focus groups to facilitate relationships, education, and inclusivity, open to all students | Inclusive technology Sensus Access for online conversion of otherwise inaccessible documents into audio files, ebooks, Braille digital books, accessible Word documents, tagged PDFs |
Specialized tutoring | Individual tutoring with teachers | |
Mediation with teachers | Exam simulations | |
Implementation of compensatory and dispensatory measures | Anxiety management also through the support of a Psychologist |
The Regulation for the activation and management of the alias career aims to ensure that students in gender transition have the opportunity to study in a serene environment, attentive to privacy and individual dignity, conducive to fostering interpersonal relationships.
The activation of the alias career can be requested by anyone undergoing a gender transition and wishing to use a name different from their legal one.
The “alias career” entails a different identity linked to the legal identity, valid only within the University, allowing the student in gender transition to attend inclusively and in accordance with the chosen new identity.
Interested parties must send a written request to the email address using the form “Alias Career Activation Request.”
Following the submission of the alias career activation request, the Applicant will have an introductory interview with the “LUMascolta” office.
If the application is accepted, a “Alias Career Confidentiality Agreement” will be signed, followed by the activation of the alias career according to the regulations.
Corpo Aule – Lum Giuseppe Degennaro Casamassima (BA)
Inviando un’email a:
With whome
Prof. Antonello Tarzia and Dr. Lia Scoppio – tel. 080 9021670
Ufficio Erasmus – Rettorato
Dott.ssa Irina Deriglazova
Dott.ssa Loretta Riviello
Dott.ssa Elisabetta Gargano
Tel. +39 080.6978222
Tel. +39 080.6978251
Tel. +39 080.6978351
Lunedì-Venerdì: 09:00–18:00