Francesco Alicino, professore ordinario di Diritto pubblico delle religioni ha pubblicato uno studio sul Journal of Law and Religion della casa editrice della Cambridge University Press dal titolo “The Legal Treatment of Muslims in Italy in the Age of Fear and Insecurity”.
L’articolo è reperibile in open access al seguente link:
Although diverging influences have always characterized the relation between religion and democracy, in Italy, tensions arising from these divergences are especially exacerbated by the country’s current religious diversity and plurality, and they are magnified when combined with chronic emergencies such as immigration and international terrorism. These critical factors complicate the application of freedom of religion and the supreme principle of secularism (principio supremo di laicità), which are essential parts of the Italian legal system. This article analyzes these aspects of the law by considering the relation between Islamic communities and the state. In particular, the article focuses on both endogenous influences (Italy’s traditional system of state-church relationship) and exogenous influences (immigration and international terrorism). These factors muddle the interpretation of constitutional rights, including the right of Muslims and Islamic groups to be equal and equally free before the law.
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