


03 OTTOBRE 2024

Il prof. Stanco tra i relatori del convegno “Rethinking property: Decentralized histories of land tenure (16th-19th centuries)”


Il prof. Gianfranco Stanco terrà una relazione dal titolo “Systems of ‘Belonging’ in the Kingdom of Naples in the Modern Age”, nel Convegno internazionale “Rethinking property: Decentralized histories of land tenure (16th-19th centuries)”, 3-4 ottobre 2024, Università di Messina. Il Convegno rientra nelle attività del progetto di ricerca IberLAND “Beyond Property: Law and land in the Iberian World (1510-1850)”, finanziato da un European Research Council Consolidator Grant (2021-2026), Leibniz University Hannover (Germany).

This event aims to explore the complex evolution of land tenure and property concepts during the period of Iberian imperial expansion and beyond. The Iberian imperial expansion significantly influenced land ownership regimes and agrarian practices worldwide. By the late 19th century, private property had evolved into a prominent concept. However, this evolution was complex and intertwined with local traditions and practices. The conference will examine these developments through a decentralized narrative, focusing on how social, natural, and legal relationships shaped land tenure across different regions.

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