
Student office

To proceed with the payment, it is necessary to access the (MYLUM) section of the website and click on Administration, then on Payments; the page with the three/four installments will open, and by clicking on the invoice number with a due date of 12/09/2024, you will be able to pay only through PagoPA.

In case of a delay of one to thirty days in the payment of the aforementioned installment, an administrative penalty equal to 5% will be applied. Starting from the thirty-first day of delayed payment, an administrative penalty equal to 10% will be applied to the due installment. The administrative penalties for delayed payment are not cumulative.

The LUM secretariat is the reference point for all current and incoming students at our university.

Access to online and offline forms, information on enrollments, courses, and the process for obtaining a degree are just some of the services that our secretariat provides to the public and students.

Refer to this page for any information about your access or study path at LUM. If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, contact us.

Per qualsiasi informazione relativa alle iscrizioni, compila il modulo o chiama l'ufficio Orientamento LUM


    * Campi obbligatori

    Protetto da reCAPTCHA Privacy - Termini

    II sottoscritto, ai sensi dell'art. 7 Reg. EU 2016/679 e del Dlgs. 101/2018 esprime liberamente il consenso al trattamento dei propri dati per le seguenti finalità:

    Student office

    Sede S.S 100 Km 18 - 70010 Casamassima (BA)

    Orari Mon-Fri: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm | Tues-Thurs: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

    Telefono 080.6978213 - 080.6970076
