

The Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering for Digital Transition is part of the class of degree L-8Information Engineering. The junior graduate in Computer Engineering for Digital Transition knows and can apply the principles of basic sciences and engineering sciences. In addition, the training offered by the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering for Digital Transition at LUM University deepens the skills for digitizing production systems, logistics, and public administration.

The Degree in Computer Engineering in the contemporary digital context

In recent years, the increasing digitalization of industrial and production processes has generated and made available a significant amount of data and information to be stored, shared, processed, and interpreted.

Managing and making the most of such a quantity of “raw” data has become one of the main objectives not only at the level of scientific research but also a priority in the business sector that requires increasingly qualified and updated professional figures compared to the methodologies and tools of information engineering.

In this context, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, and the Internet of Things (IoT) represent cutting-edge technologies and essential tools in digitalizing and optimizing production processes and thus for economic and cultural growth. The digital transition of companies and public institutions is not limited to the mere introduction of digital tools and technologies into the execution of traditional processes but implies the redesign of processes, the introduction of automation, and even the development of new products and services enabled by digitalization. Increasingly, there is also a trend towards servitization (or Subscription Economy), with subscription services.

Leading this path must be an expert in the field of Information Technology, such as the junior graduate that the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering for Digital Transition educates.

Degree in Computer Engineering: career prospects

The career prospects of the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering for Digital Transition concern all those jobs in organizations of any size and type (public or private) characterized by complex processes to engineer or manage digitalization:

  • manufacturing companies, service providers, and public administration;
  • companies operating in the field of information systems and computer networks;
  • service companies;
  • information technology services in public administration;
  • management systems and services for large infrastructures.

In addition to mobility programs for students provided by our university, specific mobility programs may be planned for the course of study. The possible continuation of the study path can take place in a Master’s Degree offered by LUM Giuseppe Degennaro University or other universities, subject to verification of the minimum access requirements.

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Course Coordinator

Prof. Giuseppe Loseto

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    Alessia Di Napoli 


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