The Master’s Degree in Economics and Management (LM-77) at LUM University offers a comprehensive and in-depth view of the business environment in a dynamic and modern key. Students are provided with a solid methodological foundation, enabling them to analyze complex phenomena of an economic-financial, economic-social, and economic-legal nature, also through skills related to data science and quantitative analysis.
The path of the Master’s Degree in Economics and Management is aimed at developing interpretative skills of economic phenomena and issues of societies and entities operating in complex and rapidly changing contexts.
The Master’s Degree in Economics and Management offers a comprehensive and integrated preparation on advanced topics of economics and law, with a particular focus on the main directions of change and the most sought-after employment opportunities in the market. The main objective is to create a professional profile capable of applying methodologies, knowledge, and skills necessary to hold positions of responsibility in business administration and business and management.
The course of study also proposes contents consistent with the completion of professional internships and creates the conditions to effectively support the State Exam for registration in the registers of Chartered Accountant and Registered Accountant and of Certified Public Accountant.
The business Master’s Degree in Economics and Management at LUM Giuseppe Degennaro University offers seven recommended paths:
At the time of enrollment in the first year of the course, students must choose one of the six recommended tracks.
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Course Coordinator
Prof. Filippo Vitolla
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Università LUM – Corpo Aule
Rosanna Lanzolla
Tel.+39 080.9021664
Lunedì-Venerdì: 09:00–18:00