

The Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery with a single-cycle program (LM-41) at LUM University is structured over six academic years (twelve semesters), 360 university educational credits, and 35 integrated exams. The course enables the profession of surgeon physician and aims to train a physician at a European professional level with a multidisciplinary and integrated vision in various biomedical, technological, clinical, and health domains. The Medicine and Surgery degree course is designed considering the current requirements of the healthcare system, aimed at providing the most appropriate care services to safeguard the population’s health.

Students will be encouraged to pay constant attention to the human aspects of health and disease, referring to a concept of health oriented towards the patient as a whole person, unique in their individuality and gender and population specificity.

The Medicine and Surgery degree at LUM Giuseppe Degennaro University aims to train a competent physician not only from a technical-scientific perspective but also sensitive and prepared towards the new cultural needs and health requirements of a rapidly evolving society, with a constant focus on the ethical and deontological principles of the medical profession. Particular attention is given in the training program to acquiring technological and managerial knowledge that will enable them to carry out clinical activities in a hospital setting or in the community in line with the times.

Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery: curriculum

The curriculum of the Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery initially includes a solid biomedical cultural foundation (preclinical triennium), providing in-depth knowledge of the human body focused on scientific methodology, understanding of molecular, morpho-functional, and pathophysiological processes underlying diseases.

The offer of the Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery continues with a second clinical triennium, during which the student can acquire solid knowledge and clinical-diagnostic competencies in medical and surgical areas as well as in the area of health prevention and promotion. The acquisition of competencies in the human sciences will also be emphasized throughout the course, as an essential background to achieve awareness of being a physician.

Internship enabling the Medicine and Surgery degree

Clinical competencies and skills are developed in the enabling internship activities (60 ECTS credits, including 15 evaluative for the purpose of professional qualification in the fifth and sixth years), which start from the second year of studies. This professionalizing training path is carried out through involvement in the structures of the Regional General Hospital “F. Miulli” in Acquaviva delle Fonti (BA) and other affiliated healthcare facilities in the Puglia region, competent in the areas of diagnosis and prevention, health safety in living and working environments, and rehabilitative treatments.

Students will be encouraged to develop the ability to address medical problems with a scientific mindset and methodology. These competencies will also mature through the progressive and propaedeutic acquisition of knowledge and the ability to critically and autonomously analyze data, verifying their scientific foundations and through the preparation of the thesis.

Attendance to scheduled training activities is mandatory; throughout the study program, opportunities for training experiences abroad within the European context (Erasmus project) will be promoted.

Employment opportunities with a degree in Medicine and Surgery

The Master’s Degree in Medicine and Surgery qualifies for the practice of Surgeon-physician and is an essential requirement for access to specialization schools in medical, surgical, and service areas (lasting 4 or 5 years with a national admission exam) or to general medicine training courses (lasting 3 years with a regional admission exam).

Graduates in Medicine and Surgery can also access, through a competition, research Doctorate programs in medical or biomedical areas (lasting 3 years) in Italian or foreign universities.

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Course Coordinator

Prof.ssa Maria Cristina D’Adamo

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    Università LUM – Torre “A. Rossi”


    Marisa Nanna 

    Enzo Basso 


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