
Summer Schools and International Conferences


China Three Gorges University – Yichang

An extraordinary experience to know and appreciate Chinese culture, in the Summer School organized by our partner China Three Gorges University in Yichang.

Our Chinese partner, China Three Gorges University in Ychang offers two scholarships for international students to take part to “Charming Three Gorges” Summer School.

An extraordinary opportunity to improve your English skills and learn so many things about Chinese culture.

The scholarship covers transfer from/to airport, lessons about Chinese culture, cultural tours, and accommodation in the university campus. It does not cover the cost of the plane trip from/to Yichang, and the Visa cost (you must apply for Visa at least one month before departure).
In Summer School, students will have the chance to know important aspects of Chinese culture and language, to experiment negotiations and diplomatic choices, to visit Three Gorges project (the biggest hydroelectric dam in the world), and learn about Chinese art and folklore as well.

Click here to download the complete program

What do you need to apply:
– good knowledge of English language
– your passaport
– a reference letter by LUM University
– the application form (click here)


Summer School of Italian for Foreigners

Discover the school

more details



June 29 – July 6 2020

“Master di II livello in Contratti Pubblici e E-Procurement”‘s program present a cycle of three seminars about public trading in Spain and France, in videoconference on Google Meet platform.

Click here to download the complete program.


June 19, 2020

«Intelligenza artificiale e funzioni amministrative. Sindacato e tutela rispetto alle decisioni automatizzate» (Artificial intelligence and administration. Trade union and protection regarding automatized decisions) is the title of the international webinar organized for Friday, June 19 at 5PM by the Department of Administrative Law of LUM University’s Faculty of Law.

To read the program of the webinar, to which academics from the most important European universities will participate, please click here.